This, That, and the Other...

Friday, April 16, 2004

I was so pissed off with the courses and the work load that I began wondering how cool it would be if I were in a different age, to be precise, in an ancient age. It would be cool to be an early man, I thought. No work to do, no tensions in life, the only thing u look forward to is having something to eat whenever u r hungry. So much peaceful: pluck a fruit or kill an animal and eat it off. But the picture got all shady when I realised that I cud be a prey to other animals too. I wudn't live peacefully coz I wud have to be beware of animals eating me off in the dark. I wud have to take care of my sleeping place, away from insects, mosquitoes, etc. So it wudnt have so much of mental peace as I had thought. Hmmph… the only thing that wud be interesting in the early life wud be seeing women naked any time u want (hmmm… I feel so much better now).

Then I thought of the medival ages… prolly bcome a king or a person having the most peaceful life in that era. After eliminating the king, minister, etc etc as the choices I thought a pandits life wud b kewl: go to houses, do some pooja, eat good food at all places, have good respect from everyone, sleep peacefully after heavy meals. Wow! Tensions wud b taking care of the family n stuff. But that’s okie… not as much tension for the age I’m in… but then I wondered the childhood wud be sooooooo PAINFUL. Learn all those shlokas n stuff in Sanskrit and recite it perfectly whenever any pooja’s to be done. I had taken part in some Sanskrit shloka recital competitions, and these were the toughest competitions ever. I was hardly ever able to learn those shlokas. Once, I was able to recite only 6/50 shlokas. Nope, even the medival age wudn’t be good for me. Childhood, the best part of one’s life, wud b a great waste….

Then it dawned to me: why do I want to choose the most peaceful personality possible? Why don’t I want to be the King who manages everything from his family to the entire kingdom? Why I am looking for the easiest path?