This, That, and the Other...

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


I am (or was) pretty interested in knowing how abcd's have grown up, wat their liefstyle is, and how confused they really are.

Some of the interesting articles that I found were: "I LOVE BEING INDIAN! I know... I wouldnt have it any other way! I love walking into my house & smelling pungent spices wafting through the air as my mother bustles around busily preparing spicy dishes & warm naan bread. I love spending two hours before a wedding trying to successfully tie a sari.... decorate my sisters hands in mehndi and find the perfect bindhi. I love indian boys... and the way their hair is so dark & skin so brown. I love hearing my dad's voice rise as he yells at the television screen while watching his favorite cricket team play. I love watching three hour long hindi movies... and crying every fifteen minutes. I love raas and the excitement of garba.... I love dancing for Diwali shows & singing random hindi songs while walking to class. I love everything about being Indian..... and i know for sure... i wouldnt have it any other way!!!"

Another interesting para: "lately i've been feeling like i'm trapped in a f*cking episode of Sex and the City! i mean it seems like everyone around me is having sex - cherries be popping like crazy (yeah, u know what i mean) .. and not only that, they seem to LOVE talking bout it - not in the 'oh it was soo good or he's so big' (well that does come up too..) way, but more like the sharing of different postions, tips and such. i feel left out. i mean, don't get me wrong, i'm proud of the decisions i've made but sumtimez, its like "hmm, maybe i AM being too much of a prude ..". everyone around me is doing a great job of making sex (.. and everything else that comes in between the innocent first kiss and sex - yeah use ur imagination~) look like its not a big deal. maybe i don't get what the fuss is all about cuz i'm not out there screwing guyz, and sure, my hormones kick in sumtimez (which resulted in me and rey hooking up, if u didn't already figure it out from the July 17th and July 20th entries), but honestly, i don't see why every1's in such a rush to lose their virginity. got ne insight??"

That told me a whole lot abt the abcd's. More of these blogs can be found at:

Overall, I think I'm still confused whether they are Indian or Amru....


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