This, That, and the Other...

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Victim of Changes

Why am I watching so many Hindi movies these days? (I see almost 2 hindi movies every weekend and no english movies at all!)

Why do I visit Hindi movie websites every week, although I know that all movies that are being released suck big time?

Why am I searching for websites that show free Hindi movies?

Why do I tune in to Hindi radio sites almost everyday, though I know that they play some songs that suck real bad?

Why do I want to visit the Temple every Saturday evening? (I used to be an aethist long time back, turned to a slight beleiver couple of years back, but am now going to Temple everyweek!)

Why do we travel 20 miles to reach Indian restaunts for having parties, though there are many cheaper Mexican, Italian and multi-cuisine restraunts nearby?

Me, Victim of Changes?

Victim of Changes by Judas Priest

Whiskey woman don't you know that you are drivin' me insane
The liquor you give stems your will to live and gets right to my brain
Don't you know you're driving me insane
You're tryin' to find your way through life
You're tryin' to get some new direction
Another woman got her man
She won't find no new connection

Takes another drink or two, things look better when she's through

Takes another look around, you're not goin' anywhere
You've realized you're gettin' old and no one seems to care
You're tryin' to find your way again
You're tryin' to find some new...
Another woman's got her man
But she won't find a new...

Takes another drink or two, things look better when she's through

You 'bin foolin' with some hot guy
I want to know why is it why
Get up get out you know you really blew it
I've had enough, I've had enough, good God pluck me

Once she was wonderful
Once she was fine
Once she was beautiful
Once she was mine...she was mine

Now change has come over her body, she doesn't see me anymore
Now change has come over her body, she doesn't see me anymore

Changes, changes, changes, changes
Victim of changes


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